Pilates for Dancers and Skaters

Pilates is an invaluable tool for cross training in all athletic endeavors. Elise Bacon, owner and director of Pilates of New Paltz is in a unique position in that her background included extensive gymnastic and dance training(see biography). Additionally, she maintains a running and swimming schedule.

Elise and her staff understand the particular needs of dancers, skaters, and gymnasts. Strengthening underused muscles and injury prevention are key(as in all of our instruction), as well as enhancing the more extreme flexibility requirements of these populations. Teaching proper body mechanics and anatomy for integrated use while performing any of these disciplines is a goal.

Challenging strength, flexibility, control, and endurance creates the formula to advance performance to its ultimate level.


"Being a former professional ballet dancer I have experienced the impact of Pilates training for dancers throughout my career. Now that I am a ballet teacher I recommend Pilates to all of my students. The improvement I see in posture, strength, and balance is remarkable."

- Lisa (New Paltz)








"I don't know what I would do without Pilates. Elise has gotten me through every injury and orthopedic surgery. I has helped me to rebuild my body after ongoing surgery and strengthened my core."
Adrienne (New Paltz)

Pilates Benefits

  • More aligned and supported posture
  • Increased flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Development of core strength and stability
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Relief from joint pain
  • A phenomenal sense of well being!