Body Conditioning

Body conditioning:  Each session at Pilates of New Paltz works the entire body, beginning with a warm-up appropriate  to the individual needs of each person, following through to an invigoration and energizing session.  Muscles are stretched and strengthened using the systematic and time--tested Pilates technique.  Students at PNP find that significant body changes can happen in a short time due to this focused work.


"I don't know what I would do without Pilates. Elise has gotten me through every injury and orthopedic surgery. I has helped me to rebuild my body after ongoing surgery and strengthened my core."
Adrienne (New Paltz)

Pilates Benefits

  • More aligned and supported posture
  • Increased flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Development of core strength and stability
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Relief from joint pain
  • A phenomenal sense of well being!